Online Enrollment
6 months ago, Elizabeth Aguayo
Bremen High School: Harmony is now live for HS students. You can now register your student., pay towards their lunch account and pay the optional Computer Insurance. The Insurance is Optional and is $20 again this year, if you would like to opt into it you need to pay by September 6th. Printed schedules will be available during device distribution day and will be available online at a later date, an email will be sent when those are live. If you are new to the district and have not yet enrolled your student please stop by the High School Office. If you have already enrolled and did not get a new student code please call the High School office 574-546-3511.
6 months ago, Meghan Atkins
7 months ago, Elizabeth Aguayo
Middle School Open House August 6th 6pm -7PM
7 months ago, Elizabeth Aguayo
Open House
open house
Elementary Open House August 5th 6pm -7pm
7 months ago, Elizabeth Aguayo
Open House
Open house
Attention new kindergarten parents - please turn in your Bus Assignment Information form to the Elementary Office as soon as possible. The Transportation Department needs that information to schedule the bus routes. Thank you!
7 months ago, Stephanie Pittman
Bremen High School: Mark your calendars for July 31st. to stop in the High School office to pick up your schedule, and devices if needed, pay for optional insurance, and open registration.
7 months ago, Meghan Atkins
Device distribution for Grades 5-12 is Wednesday, July 31, 2024, 11:00am to 6:30pm, in the Lions Den! Please enter through door 1. Grades 3&4 will receive devices in class on the first day of school. Please click the following link to learn about our school's device insurance!
7 months ago, Technology Dept
TONIGHT! Thanks to Southwire and their continued support of our students!
7 months ago, Meghan Atkins
Bremen High School: Tonight! Come for the FINAL session of Counselor Connect for the summer! All High School students are welcome to come!
7 months ago, Meghan Atkins
We are hiring! We have open positions for special education assistants, grade level assistants, ENL assistants and a problem solving/critical thinking coach to work with high ability students. Go to the Bremen Public Schools website and select Job Opportunities for a full list.
7 months ago, Stephanie Pittman
Red hiring sign
Thanks to Southwire and their continued support of our students!
7 months ago, Meghan Atkins
Kids Summer Art Camp info at the Bremen Arts Collective for kids ages 5-8.
7 months ago, Reggie Flesvig
ATTN MS FB PLAYERS: All athletes interested in playing middle school football (7/8) need to be registered and have a physical on file before the 1st conditioning practice on Monday July, 29th (3:30-4:30pm). The first official practice will be on Monday, August 5th (3:30-5:15pm). Enter at Door 9 and meet in the middle school gym. Athletes and parents can download the SportsYou app to stay informed about practices and games. The access code is: RWZY-KLWC
7 months ago, Reggie Flesvig
Bremen High School: Tonight! Come for the third session of Counselor Connect for the summer! All High School students are welcome to come!
7 months ago, Meghan Atkins
Bremen Elementary- Middle School Informacion sobre el regreso a clases 2024-2025 La Ofecina estara abierta des de Julio 22, 2024 apartir de las 7am - 4 pm.
7 months ago, Elizabeth Aguayo
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2nd pg
Back to School Information Bremen Elementary-Middle School 2024-2025 Office Hours will resume July 22, 2024 from 7am- 4pm
7 months ago, Elizabeth Aguayo
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2nd pg
Bremem High School: The Next Generation Hoosier Educators Scholarship provides a renewable scholarship of up to $10,000 per year (up to $40,000 in total) as long as the students who earn the scholarship agree to teach for five years at an eligible Indiana school. This year Bremen High School had TWO winners, Elnora Flores and Macenzie McManis. We are so proud of your hard work! Congratulations!
7 months ago, Meghan Atkins
The Marshall County Health Departmebt will be on-site at Bremen Elementary School (700 W. South St) on July 31st and August 5th from 4:00 PM- 7:00pm each day. This would be a great opportunity to get caught up with any immunization needs you may have.
7 months ago, Jim White
Cartoon Needle
Bremen High School: Tonight! Come for the second session of Counselor Connect for the summer! All High School students are welcome to come!
8 months ago, Meghan Atkins
Counselor Connect