While very popular, we will be ending our meal delivery service on Wednesday, May 20th with the close of our academic year. For those who wish to receive summer meals, our summer program will begin on May 26th as pickup only. Thanks!
almost 5 years ago, Jim White
Image of a meal on a plate
Tuesday (5/19) Pick Up of Student Items from Desks and Lockers: 4th grade: 3-6 pm @ Door 12 (east) Mrs. Walter (5th): 3:30 - 5:30 pm @ Door 11 (east) 6th grade: 3:30 - 6:30 pm in new bus drive (west)
almost 5 years ago, Reggie Flesvig
Monday (5/18) Pick Up of Student Items from Desks and Lockers: 1st Grade: 4-7 pm @ Door 13 (east) Kindergarten: 3-7 pm in new bus drive (west)
almost 5 years ago, Reggie Flesvig
Friday (5/15) Pick Up of Student Items from Desks and Lockers: Mrs. Dongell (5th): 11-1 and 4-6 @ Door 12 (east) 8th Grade: 3-6 pm in new bus drive (west)
almost 5 years ago, Reggie Flesvig
Thursday Pick Up of Student Items from Lockers: 7th grade: 3-6 pm at doors 12 and 13 (east lot)
almost 5 years ago, Reggie Flesvig
Pick Up Times for BEMS Student Items from desks and lockers: Today: 2nd grade: 1-6 pm in bus drive (west side) 5th grade (Pfefferle, Sink, Earlywine): 3:30 - 5:30 pm in east lot 3rd grade: 3:30 -5:30 pm in east lot near Door 11
almost 5 years ago, Reggie Flesvig
https://www.bps.k12.in.us/article/246469?org=bps Graduation Information! Click the link!
almost 5 years ago, Mallory Ulch
Seniors! There are still cap and gown orders in the front office that need paid for and picked up. We can take cash or money order, no checks accepted. Call the office for details 574-546-3511.
almost 5 years ago, Mallory Ulch
BPS now has an app! With this app, you can get notifications, quick access to our live feed, dining, events, and more! To learn more about it and how to download it to your mobile device, please watch this video! https://youtu.be/ErOXY-ppf9g
almost 5 years ago, Technology Dept
SENIORS. Please check your email for a very important google form. It must me filled out completely and accurately. Thank you!
almost 5 years ago, Meghan Atkins
Information for Device Collection 2020! https://bit.ly/2xQVZc7
almost 5 years ago, Technology Dept
We have launched a new and improved website. Please take a moment to check out our technology department's hard work.
almost 5 years ago, Jim White
photo of BPS website
High School students: Your library books and materials are due now. Please return them to High School office Monday through Friday between 8-3.
almost 5 years ago, Meghan Atkins
Parents! We need some help completing the Spring Sports pages, which are currently VERY BLANK. Our vision is to include all seniors who would have participated this year. We'd love to add in your favorite photo (from any year of participation) and a comment from your senior. They have all been contacted about this. Please ask them to complete this Google form: https://forms.gle/HQvt19L6GNPW498U9 (you may need to copy and paste the link). We are depending on you!! Please help us no later than this Friday, May 8th. Or, we will be forced to use last year's photos.
almost 5 years ago, Mallory Ulch
Attention all students: if you have borrowed a book from Mrs. Heiter’s personal library, those books are now due. Please drop off the books with a post-it note with your name on it at the front office. Thank you in advance.
almost 5 years ago, Mallory Ulch
BPS Device Collection: Dates and Times. Information on where and how will be coming soon! Wednesday May 20th: 3pm-6:30pm Thursday May 21st: 12pm-3pm Friday May 22nd: 9am-12pm Grades K-8 and Seniors. Grades 9-11 are allowed keep devices over the summer.
almost 5 years ago, Technology Dept
SENIORS! Make sure you are checking your email for counselor corner that has important scholarship and secondary school updates! Also, finish your Dollar For Scholars application. Due TOMORROW, May 1st by midnight!
almost 5 years ago, Meghan Atkins
Don't forget to order your 2019-2020 yearbook! We are still working hard on it. Here is a sneak peek! https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/customer/1073386/Bremen-High-School/v
almost 5 years ago, Mallory Ulch
Commencement: To-date, Commencement has not been cancelled. We are hoping for an outdoor ceremony on Bunge Field/Nierste Track on Sun., May 31st. I plan to meet with the Senior Class Officers during the week of May 4th to discuss contingency plans regarding awarding of diplomas & scholarships to The Class of 2020.
almost 5 years ago, Mallory Ulch
Dollars For Scholars Scholarship Application Deadline Extended (again): The Dollars For Scholars Scholarship Application deadline has been extended to May 1st. Currently, there are approximately 30 students with completed profiles. You MUST request that your transcript information be uploaded in order for all of the scholarships to be opened up to you. Please contact Mrs. Atkins (matkins@bps.k12.in.us) to fill out this information. There are approximately 55 scholarships totaling $62,000 that is available to The Class of 2020. Do not forfeit this opportunity to receive some cash for college or a trade school.
almost 5 years ago, Mallory Ulch