6th Grade Boys Basketball @ LaVille: Monday, Nov 23 – ONLINE TICKETS ONLY & Fan Restrictions: https://bremenathletics.com/2020/11/20/6th-grade-boys-basketball-laville-monday-nov-23-online-tickets-only-fan-restrictions/

Reminder - Boys & Girls Club is CLOSED through Friday, November 27th. Club will resume on Monday, November 30th.

November 13, 2020
Read here:

Bremen High School food drive has been postponed. Date to be determined.

As you can see from the graphic, the COVID-19 positivity rates in our area are climbing rapidly. The Marshall County Health Department is encouraging all community organizations to help promote healthy practices within our area. As such, the wearing of facial coverings in public settings has been made a priority by the MCHD to help slow the spread. They have concerns that, as the rates increase, local hospitals may not be able to keep up with the increased inpatient care. Please do everything you can to protect yourselves and those around you as we move into the winter months.
Dr. Jim White
Proud Superintendent
Bremen Public Schools

Boys & Girls Club will be closed beginning today, Friday, November 13th through Tuesday, November 24th, due to a confirmed positive COVID staff member. Club will resume on Monday, November 30th.
The families of those student that had contact with that staff member have already been notified to quarantine by Boys & Girls Club. All other students that attended club do NOT have to quarantine.
Please continue to self monitor at home.

We're still having our BHS Food Drive! On Monday (11/16) from 6:30-8:30 pm, if you live in town (or Donnybrook), students will be coming door-to-door to collect donations for the Bremen Food Pantry. Please place donations in a bag on your front porch to eliminate face-to-face contact - students will not knock this year. Donations can also be brought to the high school front office.

All tickets to tonight's 5th grade boys basketball game AT Argos will be SOLD ONLINE. NO CASH SALES at the door. This will be an “A” GAME ONLY (only 1 game). Please see the following link for instructions to purchase your tickets. Tip-off is scheduled for 5:00 p.m. Argos ticket sales:

BEMS showed its support and thanks for our Veterans this week

Due to circumstances out of our control we have to change the menu for November 12, 13 and 20.
We apologize in advance for this inconvenience.
Thursday, November 12 lunch will be :
Chicken Sandwich, Broccoli, Cole Slaw, Fresh Apple Slices and Milk
Friday, November 13 will be:
Peanut Butter and Jelly Uncrustables, Cheese Stick and Pretzels, Green Beans, Mixed Vegetables, Mixed Fruit and Milk.
Friday, November 20 will be:
Chicken & Noodles, Mashed Potatoes, Mandarin Oranges, Wheat Roll w/Butter and Milk
Again we apologize and appreciate your cooperation.

Tomorrow is Veterans Day. Wear red, white, and blue to show your love for our veterans!

All BHS Girls Basketball Contests & Practices have been postponed Until November 21 (JV and Varsity). See link for more info: https://bremenathletics.com/2020/11/09/bhs-girls-basketball-postponed-until-november-21/

Band concert tonight for middle school.

High School Girls Basketball Practice has been canceled for tonight. 11/9/2020

Families attending Bremen-North Liberty 6th grade boys basketball game on Tuesday (tomorrow), November 10th will be LIMITED TO 3 TICKETS PER ROSTERED PLAYER. *ALSO NOTE: THIS GAME WILL BE PLAYED AT WALKERTON ELEMENTARY.* Face covering required.

JV girls basketball game scheduled for Tuesday (tomorrow), Nov 10th @ LaVille has been canceled. The varsity game will now be played at 6:00 p.m. Ticket Refund Available - see link: https://bremenathletics.com/2020/11/09/girls-jv-basketball-game-vs-laville-canceled-ticket-refund-available/?fbclid=IwAR2e6GTUkgxyl9HsxS9d1HUwWQHVdApW9TF5p2NfMUuFGDX0A1np3_KQdvA

Recently, we have several staff and students who are being required to quarantine due to contact tracing. Cases of COVID are increasing in our area and there is community spread of the virus. However, please know that we will continue to stay open as much as possible. That is not to say that we will not be eventually forced to our virtual platform, but our intent is to continue as best we can.
Should we become short-staffed and are unable to cover classrooms, we may consider moving BHS to virtual and focus our substitute efforts on BEMS. Our thought is that high school students are generally able to stay home unsupervised and are also better suited to continue their studies remotely.
Please do your part to help us continue to serve our students in person. Hygiene, social distancing, mask wearing are simple things that can make a big difference. As always, a healthy lifestyle will also promote a strong immune system.
Dr. Jim White
Proud Superintendent

Student Council's annual food food drive will be on Monday, November 16th from 6:30-8:30 pm. This year, please have your bag of non-perishable food items placed outside your door for pick-up. The food will be given to the Grace Food Pantry of Bremen.

Girls Basketball at LaVille 11/10 – ONLIINE Ticket Sales Only

Bremen Lions Football will host the Pioneer Panthers here at home on Friday, Nov 6 for the Sectional Championship. Kick-off @ 7:00 p.m. NO TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT THE GAME – PRESALE ONLY. The Bremen Athletic Office will sell tickets until sold out or until 4:00 p.m. on Friday, Nov 6 whichever is FIRST. All tickets are $6.00 and must be purchased in the Bremen HS Athletic Office.