Come out to the Bremen High School Media center on Monday, January 22nd at 5 pm  while INvested helps navigate the FAFSA completion process.  This is a free event where all seniors and their parents are invited to come.  With new legislation that has come out this year ALL seniors and senior parents  are to fill out the FAFSA even if they are not attending college in the fall.  Parents and students must have completed their FSA id BEFORE coming to the event.   Information on how to complete that will be in the next BBurst. 

Please make sure you are emailing Mrs. Meghan Atkins, matkins@bps.k12.in.us to RSVP. 

Any questions can be directed to Mrs. Atkins in the guidance office or Ms. Teresa King (Last Names A-L) tking@bps.k12.in.us or Mrs. Tricia Witmer (Last Names M-Z) twitmer@bps.k12.in.us